Friday, October 10, 2014

Post 4: My favorite artistic creation

Dear students,

Today you will have to write about your favorite artistic creation, this is, a piece of art you have made and that you are proud of.


-what it is
-what it is like (a description: shape, materials, size)
-when you made it
-what or who your inspiration was
-why you are proud of it

- Leave a comment on 3 of their classmates posts
- Word Count: 170 words

Friday, September 26, 2014

Post N°3 The best Holidays/Concert ever (week 5)

This time, your students have to tell you about the best holidays or concert they've been to (they choose only 1 theme):

They should mention:


- when it was
- where they went
- how long it was
- people they went with
- things / activities they did
- why it has been the best so far
- any other relevant info


- when / where it was
- the artist they saw
- a bit of info about the artist
- describe the atmosphere during the event
- describe how they felt and why they enjoyed it
- any other memories about it

>>Worcount: 180
>>Leave comments on 3 of your classmates posts.

Hi! Today I am going to tell you about my best holidays ever.
When I was young, like you, or even younger,  we used to go to Pucón all together with the family: my older brother, mother, father,  plus friends. So as you can imagine, it was a real adventure from the start. We went by car and it always took us ages to get there as we frequently stopped to eat or go to the bathroom!
We usually stayed for two weeks in a place called “Suyay” between Pucón and Villarrica. This was like a camping site but there also were huts, where we stayed. These huts were especially attractive because they were located by Pucón lake, so it was common to wake up and jump directly into the water and have fun.  We used to ride on a little sailboat we took from Santiago, called “Sunfish” or to dive or swim as it was a very peaceful place.  I also remember the wonderful sunsets and the times we laid on the beach to watch shooting stars and make wishes! These holidays will always be one of my best ones because they were so beautiful,  we were all together, and  it was a happy time.

I hope you liked it!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Post 2 (week 4) >>> The creepiest movie I have ever watched!

On this occasion, refer to:

1. What movie it is.
2. Why you saw it,
3. What the plot is.
4. Why you like it or not,  
5. if you would recommend it or not
- Comments: leave a comment on 3 of your classmates posts
- Word Count for post 2: 170 words

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Thursday, 31 July 2014


- Which country would you like to go to? Why?
- What do you know about it?
- What would you like to do there?
- Would you like to study/work/live there? Explain.
- Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts
- Word Count: 160 words


Hi everybody! Today I will write about a country I want to visit.
I've always wanted to travel to Japan. I think it's because I like their people,
food and customs. I really admire the way in which they have advanced in spite of all the circumstances. I also admire all the advances in science and technology that they have made.

If I go there some day, the first thing I will do is to eat a lot of their delicious food; I think it is fantastic! Second, I will travel around the country to meet people and know places. I would like to know a lot about their culture and lifestyle too.

If I have the opportunity, I'd like to work there for a year, maybe teaching English or Spanish at a school or college. This would give me the chance to get to know more of their culture.

Well, I hope that some day I can go to Japan and make my dream true.